The Walking Dead Season 2

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The second season begins with Rick and his group of survivors leaving Atlanta. They decide that Fort Benning will be their next destination. Along the way, they come across a traffic jam of abandoned vehicles on I-85. The group loots several vehicles and as a large horde of walkers approach, are forced to hide under the vehicles. Sophia, chased away from the camp by one of the remaining walkers, runs off into the woods. Carl is accidentally shot during the initial search. The remaining group deals with interpersonal relationships while various searches for Sophia are performed. Otis, the man who shot Carl, leads Rick and Shane to a large, isolated farm owned by a veterinarian named Hershel Greene. The remainder of Rick’s group move to the farm while Carl recovers. The group tries to co-exist alongside Hershel’s family, but dangerous secrets and disagreements over leadership cause tensions to rise. Glenn builds a romantic relationship with one of Hershel’s daughters and discovers that Hershel’s barn is full of walkers. When Shane forces the walkers out of the barn and the group opens fire, Sophia appears as one of the undead and is shot by Rick.

Hershel, reacting to what has happened, orders Rick and his group to leave immediately, before disappearing to grieve for his family. Daryl begins to withdraw from the group. Rick and Glenn go searching for Hershel and discover him drinking heavily in a local tavern. After trying to persuade Hershel to return, two other men enter the bar – survivors from another group. The situation rapidly turns violent and there is a brief, bloody gunfight which leaves the two new survivors dead. The dead men’s former group quickly finds and opens fire on Rick, Hershel, and Glenn. The noise of the firefight attracts a large horde of walkers, and in their desperation to get away, the other group of survivors leave one of their members, Randall, behind. Rick cannot stand the thought of leaving him to be killed by walkers, so the three blindfold him and take him to the farm. With the secrecy of the farm possibly compromised, Rick decides to drive Randall into the countryside and abandon him. When a disagreement with Shane botches the plan, Rick decides to bring Randall back for execution instead. Hershel’s daughter Beth tries to kill herself in order to escape a seemingly hopeless situation. The group deliberates over the fate of Randall and, despite Dale’s protests, decide to execute him. Carl begins experimenting in danger, and is found watching Rick as he prepares to execute Randall. Dale is fatally wounded by a walker on the farm, and as a result is killed by Daryl as an act of mercy. After Dale’s funeral, the group decides that they need to rediscover their humanity. The group conducts a search for Randall, whom Shane secretly released and killed nearby. Daryl and Glenn come to the realization that the dead can reanimate without previous exposure to walkers. Shane uses the search for Randall as a ploy to silence Rick, but the plan backfires and Rick is faced with killing Shane. After Shane’s death, he reanimates and Carl shoots him in the head.

The gunshot attracts a large horde of nearby walkers as Rick and Carl are forced into the barn for safety. They ignite the barn after drawing walkers inside, both to draw attention and to save themselves. In the cumulative battle to save the farm, Jimmy and Patricia are killed, Andrea is left behind, and the RV is lost. Andrea attempts to survive on her own, and is later rescued by a mysterious woman leading chained, armless, walkers, whose identity will be revealed next season.

The remaining survivors, consisting of Rick, Lori, Carl, Glenn, Daryl, Carol, T-Dog, Maggie, Beth, and Hershel, regroup on the highway, but are forced to make camp due to a shortage of gas. Frustrated, Rick reveals the truth behind Shane’s death, and what Dr. Jenner whispered to him at the CDC. A large prison looms in the distance as the season ends.



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