Motherhood: A Miracle

Motherhood is considered to be a Miracle. The act of giving birth is the only moment when both pain and pleasure converge in a moment of time. Both pleasure and pain work in unison. The woman transforms into a mother. A woman who was probably seeking self oriented interests transform thus into a mother who is now selfless and self-giving! What a joyful experience for the woman in this transformation.  It is the act of childbirth that makes the woman forget the pain and embrace the pleasure of being a mother.

Looking deep into the joy of  being a mother, Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself. A mother is but a medium of expression of God’s great plan. He allows her to be medium through which a spirit of life takes human form. What great joy in the thought it is. A spirit taking form made of your own cells, a part of you, molded by you both physically as well as mentally . Which woman turned into a mother would not feel proud of this fact?

I had the privilege of being an instrument of delivering a fine soul six years ago. From then on joy was all I experienced. The pain of childbirth disappeared with the first cry of my baby. The first yell, the first smile, the first tooth, the first of the many acts that subsequently followed was just the beginning of the many wonderful moments we shared together. The early cries and deciphering it all went a long way in improving my creativity…was the cry for a feed or was it to just draw my attention? Trust me, they are not too easy to decipher and any mother would agree to this. Many times, I made an error, but it was a learning experience as a mother. However,as the years went by, the cries were more specific and the talks were less imaginative for the mother. The child just said it all. ” I am hungry” or ” I want a hug” or ” Mommy, can you please help me with this?”  Somehow, they all added to my joys! It was fun getting to make sense of the babble or the cry and the feeling of ” Oh how I know what my son wants!” as much as it was fun to know that I was needed, needed to make the meal or give love. It is a good feeling to know how much we are needed. Nothing can compare with the joys of motherhood felt in the early days where your kids are so dependent on you. It sure is a wonderful feeling!

But children grow and the joys of the early days are replaced by newer joys of the later years. Children reflect you in more ways than one. It is wonderful to be able to so create another much like you. The earthly form, so tender, submitting to your will.  A wonderful, walking, talking, thinking creation of your mind.
As they grow, the thoughts you gave that little baby, blossom like a flower in bloom, into a beautiful creation. What you give, is what you get! Give him love and love is all that will be given back to you.  What a joy that would be, to sit back and see the spirit that you molded form into a being of your creation!

Being a mother challenges you in every way, it brings you to your edge, it tests your strength, courage and patience.  It allows you  to be a child again in moments. It allows you to appreciate the simple things in life. It allows you to laugh more and not take yourself so seriously. Being a mother reminds you of who you are in the eyes of the beholder. It’s magical and humbling. It’s a Miracle.

Many of us are not given this great opportunity to bear the child of our being, yet, we can also help in the creation by nursing and nurturing children who have lost their parents somehow or who have been abandoned. Mothers thus can mold and create a being to her mindset even if she was not given to mold one spiritual being to her physical form! Anyway and every way being a mother is a joyful experience and when we look back on the days that were, we should look back in gratitude for being given the opportunity of being a Mother. I thank God everyday for this Miracle!


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