Reliable Impressions

When it comes to trusting our intuitive perceptions of guidance, the advice of Scripture may be summarized: “Proceed with caution. Let your impressions season. And second opinions are usually advised.”

An enlightening biblical example showing the role intuition should play in our decisions is given in Acts 16:1-3. Here Paul selects Timothy to be his traveling companion.

We are told that Paul chose Timothy in part because he “wanted Timothy to accompany him.” Paul felt intuitively that Timothy was the right choice. Yet his impression was not based on blind instinct but on sound evidence. Timothy was a mature Christian (“disciple”), who was willing to be circumcised for this mission. He had a cross-cultural background that uniquely prepared him for relating to both Jews and Gentiles. And Christians in at least two communities gave him high recommendations.

The latter point is especially interesting, for it suggests that Paul made the effort to talk to others and get their opinions. He didn’t make his decision in isolation. Through all of this research and weighing of evidence the impression emerged that Timothy was God’s choice.Paul’s example of choosing Timothy is a good one to keep in mind in any important decision we face–whether it involves choosing a marriage partner, deciding on a career or job, or making any other major commitment. It suggests that our intuitive impression of what to do should emerge from carefully considering the best information available. If I’m about to take a major step solely because my instincts tell me God wants me to–even though I can’t explain why–I have reason to stop and ask for further guidance. It is always proper in this case to ask God to give me a reason for taking the step, or else to change my impression of what he wants me to do.

Which is to say that we should seek God’s will as much with our mind as with our heart. If we keep this in mind as our guiding principle in guidance, we’ll be on good ground in our conclusions.

At least, that’s my impression.


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