Me as Myself

All about me – what do you want to know? I’m a 30-something gal who packed up and moved to the city of fine Singapore in 2007, and I’m having the time of my life, despite all my trials and tribulations. I like to blog about all sorts of stuff, basically whatever strikes my fancy. You may find me boring, or maybe not. Just keep reading. I promise there will be a gem in there once in a while.

A Bit More

I was born few decades ago in Manila, Philippines. Getting through my school years in the Philippines was difficult, since I came from a typical middle income family. Things wouldn’t start to improve for me until I hit adulthood and started surrounding myself with more mature people.

I did always have one fantasy, and that was to move somewhere far away. In my early 20s I started thinking about going, but I couldn’t figure out where to go or what I was going to. That was a big thing – I wanted to go to something, and at that time all I could think of was that I was going away from everything. So I stayed put, but the feelings came back. When something that big permeates your thoughts for so long, it doesn’t go away no matter how hard you try. So in 2004, I moved to Kuala Lumpur. This time, I was going to myself. I still had so much growing to do, so much self-discovery, and I had hit a brick wall where I was. I felt like I was being held back by so many things, including everyone’s expectations of me.

It worked. The first time I saw my family, after being in Kuala Lumpur for a year, everyone commented on how happy I seemed, how much more relaxed I was, and how I seemed so much more comfortable in my own skin. Since I’ve been there, I’ve had some ups and downs, and being there alone makes the downs more difficult to deal with, but it’s been worth it.

Now I’m living here in Singapore with my 6 year old son  in a wonderful studio apartment.

In addition to blogging, I’ve been dipping my toes into scrapbooks and hot toys.

To see more of me on the internet, you can find me on Twitter and Facebook. I post little bits and pieces of cool stuff I come across with.


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